FROGS! (A Play Not Really About Frogs)

Hello! Long time, no post. Well, I know not receiving daily updates about my very mundane life must have been heartbreaking for all of you (all two of you!), so *dramatic drum roll* I’M BACK!

With a post about Frogs.
Not actual frogs, a comedic play about frogs.
Well, not actually about frogs, but it’s called Frogs.

… Anyway.

The original is a an Ancient Greek comedy, written by an ancient Greek dude called Aristophanes for a big drama festival called the Festival of Dionysus.
The story follows Dionysus – God of theatrey things and pre-ordered interval g&ts – who treks to the Ancient Greek Underworld to find two dead playwrights and set them against each other in a battle of wits to find out who is the greatest of them all.

Hecate Theatre company is a Bristol-based all-female company who were kind enough to cast me in their really fantastic updated, re-imagining of this play and it is going on tour around a few theatres in the south of England TOMORROW! *excited and nervous at the same time*

I play Jane Austen. (And a frog. Obviously.) And I have a battle of words and wits with Shakespeare to prove which one of us is the bestest writer ever. This pretty quickly turns into us just taking the piss and yelling olde-worldy obscenities at one another, which is the most fun and it will be a miracle if we get through the whole show without corpsing.

I am one of the youngest members of the cast and it would have been easy for this project to have been ridiculously stressful, luckily the people I’ve been working with have been amazingly supportive and kind and generally lovely and I cannot wait to get going tomorrow.

We’re going to be in Bath, Stroud, Bristol and Exeter and, if you can, you should hop along (geddit?) and see it because I think it is very funny. (Also because performing without an audience would be really boring.)

You don’t even have to take my word for it because Down Stage Centre did an article on us and they like it too! (Click here to read.)

If you would like to know more or book tickets (which I would recommend as a couple of the shows are getting fairly booked up) then please jump over to Hecate’s website.

If you can’t make the show but would like to support it then please share this post or, even better, follow Hecate on twitter and retweet them.

Want a sneak preview of my frog face? (I know you do.)
