Gonna Make You Sweat

This morning I thought I was suffering bad hayfever.
This afternoon I had to admit to myself that it was actually a cold settling in.
I am delighted to discover that I am not getting a cold.
I am less delighted because I am, in fact, feverish and not altogether with reality right now.
Who gets flu in summer???

I would not be surprised right now if I burst into flames.
I am hotter than the sun.




Basically Asleep

Woke up at 5am after a very restless few hours sleep, so my nine hour shift today felt quite long. That said, I am rather enjoying work at the moment; I’m making some friends, I’ve got a little spreadsheet telling me that I can actually afford to live in Exeter on the money I’m making, and I’m working hard to carve out a little place of existence for myself in this beautiful city.

I am, however, just about ready for bed right now…



That’s me attractively sleeping. Just in case you didn’t realise.

I would love to blog more about the weird state of beginning to feel settled and at peace with life at the moment, but I am basically falling asleep writing this.



Wine With A Friend

Today felt a bit weird. No idea why, but my dear friend Sam and I decided to combat the slightly strange feeling by watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:



I think the strange feeling (that we both felt today) probably has a lot to do with the fact that life is creeping up on us.

Tomorrow will be good, because tonight has been comforting.



So, my furniture STILL has not arrived at my apartment, but who cares because I HAVE GOT AN INTERVIEW!



I sent out so many applications trying to make myself sound professional and well put together and none of them got me anywhere. I found a job I REALLY want; helping to assistant direct a summer youth group.

I would be the happiest person in the world to get a job in theatre before my graduation ceremony, but even just getting to the interview stage has put me over the moon!


Doing Fine

Had my first ever day shift at work. I have only ever worked nights but oh-wow do I prefer days! Getting home in time to eat a meal at a sensible meal time was great. However, I did nearly get run over when I came out of work because I’m not used to using the proper crossing because there aren’t any cars on the road at 4am normally… Sort of forgot it was 6pm and almost walked out in front of a car. I’m great.



Off to sleep in the new flat tonight because I need to be awake at 7am tomorrow for a furniture delivery and to let a nice man in to set-up my internet.


Beach Babe

Despite only living a short way from the beach, I haven’t been in the three years I’ve been studying at Exeter. It was on my bucket list and today I went.

Things I have learnt:

The sun is hot.

Sun cream is my friend.

Ginger ice-cream is the most unexpected delight of life.

Friends turn up in the most unexpected places.

The sand is not good for phones or cameras.

Sand gets everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE, it’s not okay and it’s not comfortable).

I would not endure the beach if it were not for the company…




Happy Day

Went shopping for a graduation dress for this loser* today:




*This loser who very kindly carried a whole load of shit back to my new apartment with me because cleaning products, toilet roll and saucepans apparently weigh a lot more than I thought they would…


I also (finally) got a haircut.



The woman put some kind of magic potion in my hair and now it’s super curly on the top…

I have had a great day. First day off work in a while and I spent it with a wonderful friend; we had lunch, we looked at a lot of dresses (none of which were apparently suitable for graduation) and we drank wine in the middle of the day. My favourite time to drink wine.

I am a little sad because my two beautiful housemates are out tonight having dinner with a friend. I miss them. I don’t get to see them much because I have a stupid night time job that keeps me away from them. Sad.
I am sleeping in my new apartment for the first time ever tonight because I have a delivery arriving tomorrow that could come anywhere between 7am and 8pm… unhelpful. So I am going to go and pack up some stuff to carry round and await a very generous friend who is lending me an air mattress to sleep on for a couple of weeks until an actual bed can be delivered.

I am excited about my new place, but I am already missing my friends, I am missing being involved with theatre (a month seems like a very long time not to have done any theatre, the longest time I have been out of the theatre scene in Exeter in three years) and I am missing my family a lot at the moment.
I think I have acted as though the decision to stay in a city very far away from my parents’ home was an easy one. It wasn’t. It was just a smart one.

I haven’t got internet set up in the new place yet, so I am taking a gameboy, some writing stuff, a book to read and few DVDs to occupy me for the 11 hours or so that I have to wait around tomorrow for furniture to arrive…


I have a shiny face…

I am so excited that I have a couple of days off work now. I work in a very hot pub, full of candles, carrying greasy food for hours on end each night. My skin is suffering badly.  So today has been about fruit, whole foods and a face mask, so I have a shiny face…


Tomorrow I am going to the bank to sort out a second account which will stop me being able to overspend ever again. I am shoppimg for stuff for my new house and I am finally getting a much-needed haircut.  Cannot wait.
