The Three Faces Of Alice

To The Outside World…

She likes earrings but doesn’t tend to wear a lot of other jewellery and she feels most attractive after putting on lipstick and mascara (and by ‘most attractive’ she thinks she belongs in a Parisian film and she will hiss loudly at you if you try to contradict this notion).
She is confident about her abilities, but don’t let the wide-eyed look fool you, she’s here to fuck up the idea that beauty is definable or should be confined to boxes…


…she also can’t smile with both sides of her mouth at the same time.

wonky smile

Seriously, her face looks like an advert for Nike:


When Alone…

It has become hard to tell whether the dressing gown is like a child’s comfort blanket or whether, at this stage, the bond has become deeper and she and the fluffy purple dressing gown are slowly becoming one.


Is this an item reserved for early morning/late night selfies, or does she just not like adult clothes very much? Is she a slob? Is she wearing pyjamas under that thing or just pants? And when the hell does she wash it?
We may never know.

Dressing gown selfies

To Her Nearest and Dearest…

She is a fairly dorky-looking creature with big eyes, a small tongue and a genderless haircut.


The most perplexing thing about her is that she allows these photos to be seen by people when, quite frankly, she should just be ashamed of herself…

Real me


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